This would probably work, but the approach has a subtle flaw.
If a query has one word that matches a lot of titles, but a
phrase that matches a description, the best result will be shown
far too low, after all the titles.

A better approach is to weight the titles a bit higher than the
description, probalby 2X to 10X higher. At Infoseek, we weighted
the title 8X higher. At Inktomi, with a completely different search
engine, we used 7.5X. So I'd start with this:

  courseTitle^8 courseTag^4 courseDescription

Also, I see that you are displaying the titles alphabetically,
so the weights are meaningless. Maybe you should be using LIKE
in MySQL if you want to do set matching and sorting.


On 9/20/07 10:10 PM, "Dilip.TS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need a clarification regarding the SOLR Ranking.
> consider the scenario  for searching for courses based on following
> relevance:
> a. Courses with the term in the courseTitle, courseTag and in the
> courseDescription would appear first
> b. Courses with the term in the courseTitle and in the courseDescription
> would appear next
> c. Courses with the term only in the courseTitle appear next.
> d. Courses with the term only in the courseDescription appear next.
> e. Courses with the term only in the courseTag appear last.
>  Let me know if my understanding is correct with the following solution
>  + (basequery) courseTitle^10000 courseTag^1000 courseDescription^100;
> courseTitle asc,  courseDescription asc,courseTag asc;
> How do we set the relevancy while performing a search? is there any
> configuration to set it in the solrconfig files?
> Also how do we set the Term Proximity?
> Could you clarify?
> Thanks in advance
> Regards,
> Dilip TS

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