Boo, thank you for the reply. That's what I get for customizing it and taking out all the other code I guess. Sorry about that.

 | Matthew Runo
 | Zappos Development
 | 702-943-7833

On Oct 4, 2007, at 9:47 AM, Ryan McKinley wrote:

<requestHandler name="/admin/luke" class="org.apache.solr.handler.admin.LukeRequestHandler" />

to your solrconfig.xml

It is in the example solrconfig.xml that comes with 1.2

Matthew Runo wrote:
How does one set up the LukeRequestHandler? I didn't see a document in the wiki about how to add new handlers, and my install (a 1.1 install upgraded to 1.2) does not have this handler available. I'd like to see what we're talking about, it sounds very interesting.. but I can't find how to turn on this request handler.
 | Matthew Runo
 | Zappos Development
 | 702-943-7833
On Oct 4, 2007, at 6:11 AM, Ryan McKinley wrote:
Robert Young wrote:
We're just about to start work on a project in Solr and there are a
couple of points which I haven't been able to find out from the wiki
which I'm interested in.
1. Is there a REST interface for getting index stats? I would
particularly like access to terms and their document frequencies,
prefereably filtered by a query.

have you checked the luke request handler?

2. Is it possible to use different synonym sets for different queries

the synonym's are linked to each field -- if differnt queires access different fields, it will use differnt synonyms.

To automatically index things with different field types, check the <copyField ...> stuff.

OR is it possible to search across multiple indexes with a single

not currently.

3. Is it possible to change stopword and synonym sets at runtime?

By default no - but it is not hard to write a custom field type that would. (I have one that loads synonyms from a SQL table -- it can be updated dynamically at runtime)

I'm sure I'll have lots more questions as time goes by and, hopefully,
I'll be able to answer others' questions in the future.



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