On 30-Oct-07, at 6:09 AM, Yonik Seeley wrote:

On 10/30/07, Haishan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks a lot for replying Yonik!

I am running solr on a windows 2003 server (standard version). intel Xeon CPU 3.00GHz, with 4.00 GB RAM. The index is locate on Raid5 with 2 million documents. Is there any way to improve query performance without moving to more powerful computer?

I understand that the query performances of phrase query ("auto repair") has to do with the number of documents containing the two words. In fact the number of documents that have auto and repair are about 100000. It is like 5% of the documents containing auto and repair. It seems to me 937 ms is too slower.

Chen, that does seem slow.... I'm not sure why.
1) was this the first search on the index?  if so, try running some
other searches to warm things up first.

Indeed--phrase matching uses a completely different part of the index, so that needs to be warmed too.

One thing to try is solr trunk: it contains some speedups for phrase queries (though perhaps not as substantial as you hope for).


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