I have the following requirement for SOLR Collection Distribution using
Embedded Solr with the Jetty server:

I have different data folders for multiple instances of SOLR within the Same
Im using the same SOLR_HOME with a single bin and conf folder.

My query is:
1)Is is possible to have the same SOLR_HOME for multiple solr instances and
still be able to
  achieve Solr Distribution?
 (As i understand that we need to have differnet rsync port for different
solr instances)

2)Can i get some more information about how to start this rsyncd daemon and
  which is the best way of doing it i.e. to start during system reboot or
doing it manually?

3)Let me know if my understanding is correct. We require 1 Master Server and
a minimum of 1 slave server.
  The master server and the slave server cannot be running on the same
machine. Am i right?

  In the case of the SOLR Distribution, if the SOLR server acts as the
Master server
  then how about this slave server ? Is it the Application server which
calls the Master SOLR Server
  acts as slave server?

4)I observe the file scripts.conf for master server:

    +Enable and start rsync:
         rsyncd-enable; rsyncd-start
    +Run snapshooter:

    Just to confirm is it mandatory that the solr master server should have
the solr_port as 8983 only?

5) How do we enable and start rsync? The link to
SolrCollectionDistributionScripts mentions about
   installing rsyncd daemon either during system boot time or by manually.
   Which method is more preferrable?
   How do we achieve this as iam not clear on this?

6) How do we setup crontab to run snappuller and snapinstaller periodically?

Dilip TS
Starmark Services Pvt. Ltd.

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