Hi Bill,
I have some questions regarding the SOLR collection distribution.
!) Is it possilbe to add the index operations on the the slave server using
SOLR collection distribution and still the master server is updated with
these changes?
2)I have a requirement of having more than one solr instance (the
corresponding data directory for each solr core). Is it possible to maintain
different solr cores and still achieve SOLR collection distribution for all
of these cores independently. If yes, then how ?


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Bill Au [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 9:40 PM
  Subject: Re: Solr replication

  Yes, you need the same changes in scripts.conf on the slave server but you
don't need the post commit hook enabled on the slave server.
  The post commit hook is used to create snapshots.  You will see a new
snapshot in the data directory every time you do a commit on the master
server.  There is no need to create snapshots on the slave server as the
slave server copies the snapshots from the master server.

  The scripts are designed to run under Unix/Linux.  It uses symbolic link
and Unix/Linux commands like scp, ssh, rsync, cp.  I don't know much about
Windows so I don't know for sure if all the Unix/Linux stuff used by the
sccripts are available in Windows or not.


  On 1/14/08, Dilip.TS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Hi Bill,
    I m trying to use the solr collection distribution.
    and done the following changes:

    1)Changes done in Master server on linux
    #In scripts.conf file


    2)Enable the postcommit in solrconfig.xml

    <!-- A postCommit event is fired after every commit or optimize
ommand  -->
    <listener event="postCommit" class="solr.RunExecutableListener ">
        <str name="exe">/usr/solr/bin/snapshooter</str>       <str
        <bool name="wait">true</bool>
        <!--arr name="args"><str>-u jetty-6.1.6</str> <str>-d
        <arr name="env"> </arr>

    i run the Embedded solr folder and added a document to it..
    and did a search for a word on the same server.
    I found the following observations in the console:

    INFO: query parser default operator is OR
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:38 PM org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema readSchema
    INFO: unique key field: id
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:38 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore <init>
    INFO: Opening new SolrCore at //usr//solr/,
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:38 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore parseListener
    INFO: Searching for listeners: //[EMAIL PROTECTED]"firstSearcher"]
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:38 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore parseListener
    INFO: Searching for listeners: //[EMAIL PROTECTED]"newSearcher"]
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:39 PM org.apache.solr.util.plugin.AbstractPluginLoader
    INFO: created xslt: org.apache.solr.request.XSLTResponseWriter
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:39 PM org.apache.solr.request.XSLTResponseWriter init
    INFO: xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=5
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:39 PM org.apache.solr.util.plugin.AbstractPluginLoader
    INFO: created standard: org.apache.solr.handler.StandardRequestHandler
    INFO: Opening [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:39 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore registerSearcher
    INFO: Registered new searcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:39 PM org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler
    INFO: added SolrEventListener for postCommit:

    Jan 14, 2008 3:37:39 PM
    org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2$CommitTracker <init>
    INFO: AutoCommit: disabled

    In the above console i find "postCommit:

    command being called after doing a commit.
    This is a scenario for the add/search done on the same master server on

    1)I would like to know do we require similar entries for the scrips.conf
    the postcommit enabled in the solrconfig.xml for the slave server too.
      If yes, are these entries for the slave server  should be identical to
    that of master or it is different?

    2)Also can we have the Linux machine acting as a master server and the
    can be made to run on windows machine?

    Thanks in advance.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bill Au [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
    Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 1:08 AM
    To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Subject: Re: Solr replication

    On Dec 14, 2007 7:00 AM, Dilip.TS <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

    > Hi,
    > I have the following requirement for SOLR Collection Distribution
    > Embedded Solr with the Jetty server:
    > I have different data folders for multiple instances of SOLR within
    > Same
    > application.
    > Im using the same SOLR_HOME with a single bin and conf folder.
    > My query is:
    > 1)Is is possible to have the same SOLR_HOME for multiple solr
    > and
    > still be able to
    >  achieve Solr Distribution?
    >  (As i understand that we need to have differnet rsync port for
    > solr instances)

    Yes, solr distribution will work for multiple solr instances even if
    all use the same SOLR_HOME.
    All the distribution scripts have a command line argument for specifying
    data directory.

    > 2)Can i get some more information about how to start this rsyncd
    > and
    >  which is the best way of doing it i.e. to start during system reboot
    > doing it manually?

    Please note that the rsyncd

    So it is best to configure the master server to run the rsyncd-start
    at system boot time.  If the rsync daemon has for some reasons been
    disabled, it will not be started automatically at system reboot even if
    is configured to do so.  If rsyncd is started manually, then one will
    to remember to start it every time the master server is rebooted.

    > 3)Let me know if my understanding is correct. We require 1 Master
    > and
    > a minimum of 1 slave server.
    >  The master server and the slave server cannot be running on the same
    > machine. Am i right?
    >  In the case of the SOLR Distribution, if the SOLR server acts as the
    > Master server
    >  then how about this slave server ? Is it the Application server which
    > calls the Master SOLR Server
    >  acts as slave server?

    Both the master and slave are SOLR servers.  Typically they are on
    It doesn't make sense (at least not to me) to have both of them on the

    > 4)I observe the file scripts.conf for master server:
    >    solr_port=8983
    >    rsyncd_port=18983
    >    +Enable and start rsync:
    >         rsyncd-enable; rsyncd-start
    >    +Run snapshooter:
    >         snapshooter
    >    Just to confirm is it mandatory that the solr master server should
    > the solr_port as 8983 only?

    It does not to be 8983.   That's just an example.

    > 5) How do we enable and start rsync? The link to
    > SolrCollectionDistributionScripts mentions about
    >   installing rsyncd daemon either during system boot time or by
    >   Which method is more preferrable?
    >   How do we achieve this as iam not clear on this?

    > 6) How do we setup crontab to run snappuller and snapinstaller
    > periodically?

    How to start rsyncd  at system boot time and setup crontab to run
    and snapinstaller depends on the OS that Solr is running on.

    > Regards,
    > Dilip TS
    > Starmark Services Pvt. Ltd.

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