> and hopefully there isn't a stick
I'll let you know ... so hopefully no follower to this post ;)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:guido.med...@temetra.com] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 19. September 2014 10:29
An: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: slorj -> httpclient 4, but we already have httpclient 3 in 

Hi Clemens,

You just found the carrot, let us know when you find the stick :D

We had to do some refactor due to new HTTP client way of handling multiple 
connections to a host, also BASIC authentication, from HTTP client 3 to 4 is 
just put the jar there and it would just work.

We also use HTTP client to connect to other services besides offering SolrJ 
client an HTTP client.

Anyway, wish the best and hopefully there isn't a stick :D


On 19/09/14 08:51, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
> Lucky you :-)
> Siegfried Goeschl
> On 19.09.14 07:31, Clemens Wyss DEV wrote:
>> I'd like to mention, that substituting the httpcore.jar  with the 
>> latest (4.3) "sufficed"...
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Guido Medina [mailto:guido.med...@temetra.com]
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. September 2014 18:20
>> An: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>> Betreff: Re: AW: slorj -> httpclient 4, but we already have 
>> httpclient 3 in use
>> SolrJ client after 4.8 I think requires HTTP client 4.3.x so why not 
>> just start there as base version?
>> Guido.
>> On 18/09/14 16:49, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
>>> AFAIK even the different minor versions are source/binary compatible 
>>> so you might need to tinker with the right "version" to get your 
>>> server running
>>> Cheers,
>>> Siegfried Goeschl
>>> On 18.09.14 17:45, Guido Medina wrote:
>>>> Hi Clemens,
>>>> If you are going thru the effort of migrating from SolrJ 3 to 4 and 
>>>> HTTP client 3 to 4 make sure you do it using HTTP client 4.3.x 
>>>> (Latest is
>>>> 4.3.5) since there are deprecations and stuff from 3.x to 4.0.x, to 
>>>> 4.1.x, to ..., to 4.3.x
>>>> It will be painful but it is better do it one time and not later 
>>>> needed to do it again. I was on a similar situation (well my 
>>>> company) and I had to suffer such migration (not my company but 
>>>> myself since I'm the one that keeps all those things up to date)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Guido.
>>>> On 18/09/14 16:14, Clemens Wyss DEV wrote:
>>>>> I guess you are right ;)
>>>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>> Von: Siegfried Goeschl [mailto:sgoes...@gmx.at]
>>>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. September 2014 16:38
>>>>> An: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>>>>> Betreff: Re: slorj -> httpclient 4, but we already have httpclient 
>>>>> 3 in use
>>>>> Hi Clemens,
>>>>> I think you need to upgrade you framework
>>>>> * AFAIK is httpclient 3 & 4 uses the same package names - which is 
>>>>> slightly unfortunate
>>>>> * assuming that they are using the same package name it is 
>>>>> non-deterministic which httpclient library is loaded - might work 
>>>>> on your local box but not on the production server or might change 
>>>>> to a change in the project
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Siegfried Goeschl
>>>>> On 18.09.14 15:08, Clemens Wyss DEV wrote:
>>>>>> I doing initial steps with solrj which is based on httpclient 4.
>>>>>> Unfortunately parts of our framework are based on httpclient 3.
>>>>>> So when I instantiate an HttpSolrServer I run into:
>>>>>> java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class ...
>>>>>>      at
>>>>>> org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient.createHttpParams(De
>>>>>> fa
>>>>>> ultHttpClient.java:157)
>>>>>>      at
>>>>>> org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.getParams(Abstract
>>>>>> Ht
>>>>>> tpClient.java:447)
>>>>>>      at
>>>>>> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpClientUtil.setFollowRedirec
>>>>>> ts
>>>>>> (Ht
>>>>>> tpClientUtil.java:255)
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> Can these be run side-by-side at all?

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