On 2/26/2015 11:41 PM, Danesh Kuruppu wrote:
> My application is a standalone application. I though of embedding solr
> server, so I can pack it inside my application.
> In solr 5.0.0, solr is no longer distributed as a "war" file. how I can
> find the war file from the distribution.

I am glad to see that people are actually reading documentation that is
included with the release.

With 5.0.0 (and probably the next few 5.x releases), Solr actually still
is a war file.  You can find it in server/webapps in the binary
download.  There are two reason we are telling everyone it's not a war
file:  1) We now have very capable scripts to start and stop Solr with
optimal java options, so there's no longer any need to rely on scripts
packaged with a servlet container.  2) In a future 5.x release, Solr
actually will become a standalone application, not a war ... preparing
users in advance is a good idea.

> I need some advanced features like synonyms search, stop words, wild card
> search etc. It would be great, if you can provide some references to get
> idea which dependencies need to add to get those features.

If you don't want to simply add every dependency included in the war,
then you can use the tried and true method for finding the minimum set
of jars:  Try to get it running.  If it fails, look at the log and see
which class it was unable to find.  Add the relevant jar to the
classpath and try again.


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