
We tend to recommend ManifoldCF for document level security since that is 
exactly what it is built for. So I doubt we'll see that as a built in feature 
in Solr.
However, the Solr integration is really not that advanced, and I also see 
customers implementing similar logic themselves with success.
On the document feeding side you need to add a few more fields to all your 
documents, typically include_acl and exclude_acl. Populate those fields
with data from LDAP about who (what groups) have access to that document and 
who not. If it is open information, index a special token "open" in the include 
Then assuming your search client application has authenticated a user, you 
would construct a filter with this users groups, e.g. 
  fq=include_acl:(groupA OR open)&fq=-exclude_acl:(groupA)
The filter would be constructed either in your application or in a Solr search 
component or query parser.

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

> 13. mar. 2015 kl. 01.48 skrev johnmu...@aol.com:
> I would love to see record level (or even field level) restricted access in 
> Solr / Lucene.
> This should be group level, LDAP like or some rule base (which can be 
> dynamic).  If the solution means having a second core, so be it.
> The following is the closest I found: 
> https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrSecurity#Document_Level_Security but I 
> cannot use Manifold CF (Connector Framework).  Does anyone know how Manifold 
> does it?
> - MJ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Markus Jelsma [mailto:markus.jel...@openindex.io] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 6:51 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: RE: [Poll]: User need for Solr security
> Jan - we don't really need any security for our products, nor for most 
> clients. However, one client does deal with very sensitive data so we 
> proposed to encrypt the transfer of data and the data on disk through a 
> Lucene Directory. It won't fill all gaps but it would adhere to such a 
> client's guidelines. 
> I think many approaches of security in Solr/Lucene would find advocates, be 
> it index encryption or authentication/authorization or transport security, 
> which is now possible. I understand the reluctance of the PMC, and i agree 
> with it, but some users would definitately benefit and it would certainly 
> make Solr/Lucene the search platform to use for some enterprises.
> Markus 
> -----Original message-----
>> From:Henrique O. Santos <hensan...@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Thursday 12th March 2015 23:43
>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: [Poll]: User need for Solr security
>> Hi,
>> I’m currently working with indexes that need document level security. Based 
>> on the user logged in, query results would omit documents that this user 
>> doesn’t have access to, with LDAP integration and such.
>> I think that would be nice to have on a future Solr release.
>> Henrique.
>>> On Mar 12, 2015, at 7:32 AM, Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Securing various Solr APIs has once again surfaced as a discussion 
>>> in the developer list. See e.g. SOLR-7236 Would be useful to get some 
>>> feedback from Solr users about needs "in the field".
>>> Please reply to this email and let us know what security aspect(s) would be 
>>> most important for your company to see supported in a future version of 
>>> Solr.
>>> Examples: Local user management, AD/LDAP integration, SSL, 
>>> authenticated login to Admin UI, authorization for Admin APIs, e.g. 
>>> admin user vs read-only user etc
>>> --
>>> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect Cominvent AS - 
>>> www.cominvent.com

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