On 3/26/2015 9:53 AM, Russell Taylor wrote:
> I have an index which is made up of groups of documents, each group is 
> defined by a field called keyField (keyField:A).
> I need to delete all the keyField:A documents and replace them with a brand 
> new set without the index ever returning
> zero documents on a query.
> At the moment I deleteByQuery:keyField:A and then insert a SolrInputDocument 
> list via
> SolrJ into my index. I have a small time period where somebody doing a 
> q=fieldKey:A
> can be returned an empty list.
> FYI: The keyField group might be just 100 documents or up to 10 million.

As long as you don't have any commits with openSearcher=true happening
between the delete and the insert, that would work ... but why go
through the manual delete if you don't have to?

If you define a suitable uniqueKey field in your schema, simply indexing
a new document with the same value in the uniqueKeyfield as an existing
document will delete the old document.



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