On 5/20/2015 9:24 AM, Steven White wrote:
> I have already switched to using POST because I need to send a long list of
> data in "qf".  My question isn't about POST / GET, it's about Solr and
> Lucene having to deal with such long list of fields.  Here is the text of
> my question reposted:
>> Given the above, beside the fact that a search for "apple" translating to
>> a 20K characters passing over the network, what else within Solr and
> Lucene
>> I should be worried about if any?  Will I hit some kind of a limit?  Will
>> each search now require more CPU cycles?  Memory?  Etc.

You may need to increase maxBooleanClauses beyond the default of 1024.
There will be a message in the log if that is required.  Note that such
an increase must happen on EVERY config you have, or one of them may set
it back to the 1024 default -- it's a global JVM-wide config.

Large complex queries are usually slow, requiring more memory and CPU
than simple queries, but if you have the resources, Solr will handle it
just fine.


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