Hello Guys,

I use SOLR 5.2.1 and the relatively new solr.SuggestComponent. It worked
fine at the beginning. I use this function to auto-complete the publisher
names. I have 3000 documents and 80 publishers. When I use the autocomplete
feature and I get back the name of the publishers matched as many times as
many book titles they published.

If suggest.q=Har and Harlequin publisher has 100 documents I get back a
json with 100 suggestions with the same publisher name. Obviously it is not
my intention. I would like to get back the matched publisher name once and
later I will use a filter query to the selected publisher name.

Any Idea how can I get identical suggestions only once? Is there any
parameter I can set in solrconfig.xml to solve this?

Thanks in advance,

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