On 8/20/2015 1:49 AM, Merlin Morgenstern wrote:
> I am running 2 dedicated servers on which I plan to install Solrcloud with
> 2 solr nodes and 3 ZK.
> From Stackoverflow I learned that the best method for autostarting
> zookeeper on ubuntu 14.04 is to install it via "apt-get install
> zookeeperd". I have that running now.
> How could I add a second zookeeper to one machine? The config only allows
> one. Or if this is not possible, what would be the recommended way to get 3
> ZK on 2 dedicated running?
> I have followed a tutorial where I have that setup available va bash
> script, but it seems that the ubuntu zookeeper setup is robust as it offers
> zombie processes and a startup script as well.

It is possible to have multiple zookeeper installs on one machine, but
if you do this, your system will not be fault tolerant.

A simple fact of life is that hardware can fail, and it can fail
completely.  If the motherboard in a server develops a fault, the entire
server is probably going to fail.  If the machine with two zookeepers on
it dies, zookeeper quorum will be lost and SolrCloud will go read-only.
 It will not be possible to write to it, even though there is still a
surviving machine.

Redundant zookeeper requires three completely separate machines, so that
if you lose any one of those machines, the cluster still has a majority
present and stays completely operational.  This means that SolrCloud
requires three machines minimum.  The third server can be a much less
capable machine that runs zookeeper only, but it must be there in order
to achieve true fault tolerance.


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