Thanks Erick.

Eventually, followers caught up but the 14G tlog file still persists and they are healthy. Is there anything to look for? Will monitor and see how long will it take before it disappears.

Evaluating move to Solr 5.3.

On 10/7/15 7:51 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:
Uhm, that's very weird. Updates are not applied from the tlog. Rather the
raw doc is forwarded to the replica which both indexes the doc and
writes it to the local tlog. So having a 14G tlog on a follower but a small
tlog on the leader is definitely strange, especially if it persists over time.

I assume the follower is healthy? And does this very large tlog disappear
after a while? I'd expect it to be aged out after a few commits of > 100 docs.

All that said, there have been a LOT of improvements since 4.6, so it might
be something that's been addressed in the intervening time.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Rallavagu <> wrote:
Solr 4.6.1, single shard, 4 node cloud, 3 node zk

Like to understand the behavior better when large number of updates happen
on leader and it generates huge tlog (14G sometimes in my case) on other
nodes. At the same time leader's tlog is few KB. So, what is the rate at
which the changes from transaction log are applied at nodes? The autocommit
interval is set to 15 seconds after going through


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