Hi - if you run a CPU sampler or profiler you will probably see it doesn't 

-----Original message-----
> From:Aman Tandon <amantandon...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday 9th October 2015 6:52
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: which one is faster synonym_edismax &amp; edismax faster?
> Hi,
> Currently we are using the *synonym_edismax query parser* plugin to handle
> the multi-word synonym. I want to know which is more faster *edismax* or
> *synonym_edismax*.
> As we are having the very less amount of multi-words in our dictionary so
> we are thinking to use standard edismax query parser.
> Any suggestions or observations will be helpful.
> With Regards
> Aman Tandon

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