Just correct myself, in the last setence, the first query is better if
fieldb:bar isn't reused often

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 2:02 PM, climbingrose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> It depends on your query. The second query is better if you know that
> fieldb:bar filtered query will be reused often since it will be cached
> separately from the query. The first query occuppies one cache entry while
> the second one occuppies two cache entries, one in queryCache and one in
> filteredCache. Therefore, if you're not going to reuse fieldb:bar, the
> second query is better.
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 10:53 PM, Geoffrey Young <
>>  Solr allows you to specify filters in separate parameters that are
>>> applied to the main query, but cached separately.
>>> q=the user query&fq=folder:f13&fq=folder:f24
>> I've been wanting more explanation around this for a while, so maybe now
>> is a good time to ask :)
>> the "cached separately" verbiage here is the same as in the twiki, but I
>> don't really understand what it means.  more precisely, I'm wondering what
>> the real performance, caching, etc differences are between
>>  q=fielda:foo+fieldb:bar&mm=100%
>> and
>>  q=fielda:foo&fq=fieldb:bar
>> my situation is similar to the original poster's in that documents
>> matching fielda is very large and common (say theaters across the world)
>> while fieldb would narrow it considerably (one by country, then one by
>> zipcode, etc).
>> thanks
>> --Geoff
> --
> Regards,
> Cuong Hoang


Cuong Hoang

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