Here is the current info

How much memory is used?
Physical memory consumption: 5.48 GB out of 14 GB.
Swap space consumption: 5.83 GB out of 15.94 GB.
JVM-Memory consumption: 1.58 GB out of 3.83 GB.

What is your index size?
I have around 70M documents distributed on 2 shards (so each shard has 35M

What type of queries are slow?
I am running normal queries (queries on a field) no faceting or highlights
are requested. Currently, I am facing delay of 2-3 seconds but previously I
had delays of around 28 seconds.

Are there GC pauses as they can be a cause of slowness?
I doubt this as the slowness was happening for a long period of time.

Are document updates/additions happening in parallel?
No, I have stopped adding/updating documents and doing queries only.

This is what you are already doing. Did you mean that you want to add more
No, what I meant is that I read that previously there was a way to chunk a
large index into multiple and then do distributed search on that as in this
article What I was looking
for how this is handled in Solr Cloud?


On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Modassar Ather <>

> What is your index size? How much memory is used? What type of queries are
> slow?
> Are there GC pauses as they can be a cause of slowness?
> Are document updates/additions happening in parallel?
> The queries are very slow to run so I was thinking to distribute
> the indexes into multiple indexes and consequently distributed search. Can
> anyone guide me to some sources (articles) that discuss this in Solr Cloud?
> This is what you are already doing. Did you mean that you want to add more
> shards?
> Regards,
> Modassar
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Salman Ansari <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am using Solr cloud and I have created a single index that host around
> > 70M documents distributed into 2 shards (each having 35M documents) and 2
> > replicas. The queries are very slow to run so I was thinking to
> distribute
> > the indexes into multiple indexes and consequently distributed search.
> Can
> > anyone guide me to some sources (articles) that discuss this in Solr
> Cloud?
> >
> > Appreciate your feedback regarding this.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Salman
> >

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