You can configure this in solrconfig.xml under the "defaults" section for

<requestHandler name="standard" class="solr.StandardRequestHandler"
    <!-- default values for query parameters -->
     <lst name="defaults">
       <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
       <int name="rows">30</int>
       <str name="fl">*</str>
       <str name="version">2.1</str>

2008/6/18 Mihails Agafonovs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi!
> Where can I define, how many rows must be returned in the result?
> Default is 10, and specifying other value each time through URL or
> advanced interface isn't comfortable.
>  Ar cieņu, Mihails

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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