There's no reason to shut down your node. You should be able
to issue a REBALANCELEADERS command, see:

on a currently-running cluster and all your preferred leaders
(assuming the nodes are up) should become the leader of their respective shards.

I should emphasize, though, that this is rarely necessary unless you
have lots and lots
and lots of shards. The use-case that code was written for was,
literally, hundreds
of shards all had their leaders on a single node.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 3:26 AM, GOURAUD Emmanuel <> wrote:
> hi there
> replying to myself
> i have set the replica property "preferredLeader" on this shard, shut down 
> all replica for this shard and started only the "preferred" one, this forced 
> an election and save my "ops" night and my new year party!!
> cheers,
> Emmanuel
> De: "GOURAUD Emmanuel" <>
> À:
> Envoyé: Jeudi 31 Décembre 2015 15:30:42
> Objet: shard lost - solr5.3
> Hi there,
> I have a collection that is composed of 8 shards with a replicationFactor of 2
> i found 2 cores of the same shard in recoveryfailed status so i decided to 
> restart both,
> after having doing that , i do not have any leader on that shard... and both 
> cores are down
> is there a way to force a leader at startup or with the API? can fore 
> election?
> thanks for your help
> Emmanuel

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