I've a test solrCloud installation consisting of Three CentOS machines, each
one running one zookeeper node and one solr instance. I've created a
collection with 3 shards and 2 replica per each shard, then, after some
tests, rebooted all three machines.


Due to the different reboot times probably, I've noticed that upon reboot
all three leader shards are on a single machine. I'm expecting shard leaders
to be distributed evenly between machines, because if all shard leader are
on a same machine, all new documents to index will be routed to the same
machine, thus indexing load is not subdivided.


I've searched for COLLECTION API commands that can helps me to obtain this,
but it seems that it is not possible. My question is, how can I be sure that
leader shards will be distributed evenly across all machines? 






Gian Maria Ricci
Cell: +39 320 0136949

<https://twitter.com/alkampfer>   <http://feeds.feedburner.com/AlkampferEng>


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