
This arise a different question: when I index a document, it is assigned to one 
of the three shard based on the value of the ID field. Actually indexing a 
document is usually a CPU and RAM intensive work to parse text, tokenize, etc. 
How this works in SolrCloud? I probably incorrectly assumed that the indexing 
task is carried out by the shard leader, then data is propagated to replica of 
that shard. This lead me to think that, having all three leader shards in a 
node, it does not use other nodes to index data and performance will suffer. 

I've tried to use REBALANCELEADERS but nothing changes (probably because there 
are few shards).

Gian Maria Ricci
Cell: +39 320 0136949

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [] 
Sent: lunedì 11 gennaio 2016 17:49
Subject: Re: Change leader in SolrCloud

On 1/11/2016 8:45 AM, Gian Maria Ricci - aka Alkampfer wrote:
> Due to the different reboot times probably, I’ve noticed that upon 
> reboot all three leader shards are on a single machine. I’m expecting 
> shard leaders to be distributed evenly between machines, because if 
> all shard leader are on a same machine, all new documents to index 
> will be routed to the same machine, thus indexing load is not subdivided.

You're looking for the REBALANCELEADERS functionality ... but because you only 
have three nodes, the fact that one machine has the leaders for all three 
shards is not really a problem.

This feature was added for a use case where there are hundreds of nodes and 
hundreds of total shards, with the leader roles heavily concentrated on a small 
number of nodes.  With REBALANCELEADERS, the leader roles can be spread more 
evenly around the cluster.

It is true that the shard leader does do a small amount of extra work, but for 
a very small installation like yours, the overhead is nothing to be concerned 
about.  You can do something about it if it bothers you, though.


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