On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Matteo Grolla <matteo.gro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Toke, yes, they are long times, and solr qtime (to execute the
> query) is a fraction of a second.
> The response in javabin format is around 300k.

OK, That tells us a lot.
And if you actually tested so that all the docs would be in the cache
(can you verify this by looking at the cache stats after you
re-execute?) then it seems like the slowness is down to any of:
a) serializing the response (it doesn't seem like a 300K response
should take *that* long to serialize)
b) reading/processing the response (how fast the client can do
something with each doc is also a factor...)
c) other (GC, network, etc)

You can try taking client processing out of the equation by trying a
curl request.


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