I believe the shard state is a reflection of whether that shard is still in use 
by the collection, and has nothing to do with the state of the replicas. I 
think doing a split-shard operation would create two new shards, and mark the 
old one as inactive, for example.

On 2/26/16, 8:50 AM, "Dennis Gove" <dpg...@gmail.com> wrote:

>In clusterstate.json (or just state.json in new versions) I'm seeing the
>    "range":"80000000-d554ffff",
>    "state":"active",
>    "replicas":{
>      "core_node7":{
>        "core":"people_shard1_replica3",
>        "base_url":"";,
>        "node_name":"",
>        "state":"down"},
>      "core_node9":{
>        "core":"people_shard1_replica2",
>        "base_url":"";,
>        "node_name":"",
>        "state":"down"},
>      "core_node2":{
>        "core":"people_shard1_replica1",
>        "base_url":"";,
>        "node_name":"",
>        "state":"down"}
>    }
>All replicas are down (I hosed the index for one of the replicas on purpose
>to simulate this) and each replica is showing its state accurately as
>"down". But the shard state is still showing "active". I would expect the
>shard state to reflect the availability of that shard (ie, the best state
>across all the replicas). For example, if one replica is active then the
>shard state is active, if two replicas are recovering and one is down then
>the shard state shows recovering, etc...
>What I'm seeing, however, doesn't match my expectation so I'm wondering
>what is shard state showing?

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