Hi folks

I need to search for terms in a field that will be AND'ed with user's real
search terms, such as:

    user-real-search-terms AND FooField:(a OR b OR c OR d OR e OR ...)

The list of terms in the field FooField can be as large as 1000 items, but
will average around 100.

The list of OR'ed terms will be pre-known for a user.  So user-A will
always have (a OR b) and user-B will have (a OR e OR g OR ...) and user-C
will have some different pre-known list.

Of the 1000 items that can be in the list, at lest 80% is shared across all
users for any given search.

The items are SKU numbers (i.e.: simple strings of 20 characters).

My question is this, will this cause issues with the large number of terms
OR'ed in the FooField?  The expected average is 100, but what if I start
hitting 500 or 1000?

Btw, the reason I use OR in the FooField is because my Solr default Boolean
is set to AND.

Thanks in advanced.


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