I did the IndexUpgrade path to upgrade my 4.x index to 5.x (15 terabytes of
data an growing), It wasn't an easy task to do it without downtime,
IndexUpgrade doesn't work if the replica is loaded.  
With 12T of data re-index is like a no-no operation (the time expended to do
the re-index can take several months).


Optimize one replica at a time doesn't work (All replicas are optimize at the
same time) killing CPU an IO and as result the cluster.


Conclusion, if I need to do it again to upgrade to a newer version of Solr I'm
in literally in troubles ...  



/Yago Riveiro

> On Mar 24 2016, at 4:32 pm, Tomás Fernández Löbbe
<tomasflo...@gmail.com> wrote:  


> >  
> Not to mention the fact that Solr 6 is using deprecated Lucene 6  
> numeric types.... if those are removed in Lucene 7, then what?  
> I believe this is going to be an issue. We have SOLR-8396  
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-8396> open, but it doesn't
like it's going to make it to 6.0 (I tried to look at it but I didn't have  
time the past weeks). We'll have to support it until Solr 8 I guess.


> Tomás

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