Hi everyone,

I need to index data data into Solr and then use this field for facet
search.  My question is this, the date data in my DB is stored in the
following format "2016-03-29 15:54:35.461":

1) What format I should be indexing this date + time stamp into Solr?
2) What Solr field type I should be using?  Is it "date"?
3) How do I handle various time zones and locales?
4) Can I insert multi value data data into the single "date" facet field
and still use this field for facet search?
5) Based on my need, will all the Date Math per [1] on date facet still
work? I'm confused here because of my need for (3).

To elaborate on (4) some more.  The need here is this.  In my DB, there are
more than one column with date data.  I will be indexing them all into this
single multi-value Solr field of type Date that I will then use for facet.
Is this possible?

I guess, this is a two part question, for date facet: a) how to properly
index, and b) how do I properly search.

As always, any insight is greatly appreciated.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Working+with+Dates

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