I recently was attempting to upgrade from Solr 4.8.1 to Solr 5.4.1 but had
to abort due to average response times degraded from a baseline volume
performance test.  The affected queries involved faceting (both enum method
and default) and grouping.  There is a critical bug
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-8096 currently open which I
gather is the cause of the slower response times.  One concern I have is
that discussions around the issue offer the suggestion of indexing with
docValues which alleviated the problem in at least that one reported case.
However, indexing with docValues did not improve the performance in my case.

Can someone please confirm or correct my understanding that this issue has
no path forward at this time and specifically that it is already known that
docValues does not necessarily solve this?

Thanks in advance!

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