Overtime we have realized this as a common pattern of requirements.
a pre-import, post-import call back hooks are something I can think of.

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Jonathan Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been using the DataImportHandler successfully to import documents
> from MySQL, and it has worked very well.  However I have three questions
> about the handler:
> 1. Is it possible to execute a command post-import? Specifically, I would
> like to run snapshooter after both full & delta imports. The postOptimize &
> postCommit listeners do not quite work here since I do not want to optimize
> after delta imports, and I do not want to run snapshooter for each auto
> commit during a full import.
> 2. Is it possible to execute independent SQL statements before, during, or
> after importing? I would like to created some intermediate temporary tables
> and also set specific settings relevant to the import (e.g. "SET
> @@group_concat_max_len=...").
During the import it is definitely possible. Any transformer can
obtain a DataSource  as context.getDataSource(<name>) and invoke any
methods .The getData(string query can actually execute anything)

> 3. It would be great to have a way to chain together multiple Transformers.
> For instance, I'd like to perform regex operations, then template the output
> and finally add a custom document boost based on a column.  This could be
> done by chaining the RegexTransformer, TemplateTransformer and a custom
> Transformer.
I guess chaining is possible already.
can chain the 3 transformers
> Thanks for your help!
> Jonathan Lee
There are a bunch of features we have in mind. We do not want to make
the patch bigger than it already is and we are waiting for it get
committed so that we can provide incremental patches for these

--Noble Paul

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