Solr 5.4.1 with embedded jetty with cloud enabled

We have a Solr deployment (approximately 3 million documents) with both write and search operations happening. We have a requirement to have updates available immediately (NRT). Configured with default "solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory" for directory factory. Considering the fact that every time there is an update, caches are invalidated and re-built I assume that "solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory" would memory map index files so "reading from disk" will be as simple and quick as reading from memory hence would not incur any significant performance degradation. Am I right in my assumption? We have allocated significant amount of RAM (48G total physical memory, 12G heap, Total index disk size is 15G) but not sure if I am seeing the optimal QTimes (for searches). Any inputs are welcome. Thanks in advance.

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