On 28-Jul-08, at 1:53 PM, Britske wrote:

Each query requests at most 20 stored fields. Why doesn't help
lazyfieldloading in this situation?

It does help, but not enough. With lots of data per document and not a lot of memory, it becomes probabilistically likely that each doc resides in a separate uncached disk block, thus requiring a disk seek (~10ms), which then dominates total time regardless of the amount of bytes read.

I don't need to retrieve all stored fields and I thought I wasn't doing this (through limiting the fields returned using the FL-param), but if I read your comment correctly, apparently I am retrieving them all, I'm just not
displaying them all?

No, they are not read. It is important to understand the performance characteristic of disks in random access vs. serial reading in this case.

Also, if I understand correctly, for optimal performance I need to have at least enough RAM to put the entire Index size in OS cache (thus RAM) + the amount of RAM that SOLR / Lucene consumes directly through the JVM? (which among other things includes the Lucene field-cache + all of SOlr's caches on
top of that).

Not necessarily all, no. The type of data you store and the request characteristics affect the size of the "hot spot" of the index, the specific blocks that need to be in memory to achieve good performance. If you are retrieving the stored fields for 100 docs per query, the doc data should probably be all in cache. One way to mitigate this is to partition the fields like I suggested in the other reply.


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