First of all I second Bram, I am sorry you had a bad experience with Solr,
but I think that:
-  without a minimum study and documentation
- without trying to follow the best practices
I think you are going to have a "miserable" experience with any software,
don't you ?

In addition to Bram :

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 10:48 PM, Aaron Greenspan <> wrote:
>  It didn’t say which field type. Buried in the logs I found a reference in
> the Java stack trace—which *disappears* (and distorts the viewing window
> horribly) after a few seconds when you try to view it in the web log UI—to
> the string "units="degrees"".

This si a bug, and it is really annoying, not sure anyone already raised
it, if not I suggest you to do that :)
But you can use the logs themselves without any problem.

> Apparently there is some aspect of the Thai text field type that Solr
> 6.2.0 doesn’t like. So I disabled it. I don’t use Thai text.

If you were not using the Thai text, why had you the Thai Text field type
defined ?
Keep It Simple Stupid is the way :)
I find tons of Solr instances in production mith monster solrconfig.xml and
schema.xml. basically the old default ones, without any particular reason.
Don't do that !

> Now Solr was complaining about "Error loading class
> 'solr.admin.AdminHandlers'". So I found the reference to
> solr.admin.AdminHandlers in solrconfig.xml for each of my cores and
> commented it out. Only then did Solr work again.

Seems to be you didn't take care of reading the update release notes, did
you ?


Benedetti Alessandro
Visiting card :

"Tyger, tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England

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