I had quite a lot of "fun" figuring out how to install Solr Cloud.  Because
it uses Zookeeper, the Solr folks don't say much about Zookeeper and the
Zookeeper folks don't say much about Solr.

I finally put my notes together and posted them online for download.  There
is one in the set called something like 6.1_final.txt and that will contain
a step-by-step way to set up the Solr Cloud.  You can modify for your

Hope this helps...


Oh, by the way, you MUST have a minimum of 3 Zookeepers as far as I know,
due to the need to elect a "leader" if one goes down.

>From the zookeeper site: Three ZooKeeper servers is the minimum recommended
size for an ensemble, and we also recommend that they run on separate

See this: https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.1.2/zookeeperAdmin.html

Virtual box and Linux VMs are free (except for the time to build them) and
you may want to take that route instead of doing everything on the same
machine, but that's up to you...

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 5:02 PM, Sadheera Vithanage <sadhee...@gmail.com>

> Hello solr experts,
> I am new to solr and facing a problem while trying to implement solr cloud
> with zoo keeper.
> I am having 2 zookeeper instances residing on the same machines as solr
> instances(not the best config but to get started).
> I got my zookeeper instances and solr instances to work but I am getting an
> error as below.
>    - *Core_Name:*
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
>    Could not load conf for core *Core_Name*: Error loading solr config from
>    solrconfig.xml
> I had these cores running as a standalone instance before and I haven't
> pushed the config to zookeeper.
> I am assuming that is the problem, If someone could send me the proper
> syntax pushing the config to zookeeper, It would be great, I tried the
> syntax on the web but I ddnt get it ryt..
> Also, I am unable to create collections from the web ui, it doesn't list
> any configurations.
> OS: Ubuntu
> Solr version: 6.2.0
> If I can get a list of setup steps, for this config It will help as well..
> Please let me know if you need further clarifications.
> Thank you very much.
> --
> Regards
> Sadheera Vithanage

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