On 5/5/2017 12:42 PM, Aman Deep Singh wrote:
> Hi Erick, I don't want to do the range query , That is why I'm using
> the pattern replace filter to remove all the non alphanumeric to space
> so that this type of situation don't arrive,Since end user can query
> anything, also in the query I haven't mention any range related
> keyword (TO). If my query is like [64GB/3GB] it works fine and doesn't
> convert to range query.

I hope I'm headed in the right direction here.

Square brackets are special characters to the query parser -- they are
typically used to specify a range query.  It's a little odd that Solr
would add the "TO" for you like it seems to be doing, but not REALLY
surprising.  This would be happening *before* the parts of the query
make it to your analysis chain where you have the pattern replace filter.

If you want to NOT have special characters perform their special
function, but actually become part of the query, you'll need to escape
them with a backslash.  Escaping all the special characters in your
query yields this query:

xiomi Mi 5 \-white \[64GB\/ 3GB\]

It's difficult to decide whether the dash character before "white" was
intended as a "NOT" operator or to be part of the query.  You might not
want to escape that one.


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