Thanks Shawn. I have done it with SolrJ. Apart from needing the 
NoopResponseParser to handle the wt=, it was pretty painless.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey []
Sent: Wednesday, 1 November 2017 2:43 a.m.
Subject: Re: Stateless queries to secured SOLR server.

On 10/29/2017 6:13 PM, Phil Scadden wrote:
> While SOLR is behind a firewall, I want to now move to a secured SOLR 
> environment. I had been hoping to keep SOLRJ out of the picture and just 
> using httpURLConnection. However, I also don't want to maintain session 
> state, preferring to send authentication with every request. Is this possible 
> with basic Authorization?

I do not know a lot about the authentication in Solr, but I do know that it's 
typically using HTTP basic authentication.  As I understand it, for this kind 
of authentication, every request will require the credentials.

I am not aware of any state/session capability where Solr's HTTP API is 
concerned.  As far as I know, the closest Solr comes to this is that certain 
things, particularly the Collections API, are async capable, where you start a 
process with one HTTP call and then you can make further requests to check 
whether it's done.

If your software is written in Java, I would strongly recommend SolrJ, rather 
than constructing the HTTP calls yourself.  The code is easier to write and 
understand.  For other languages, there are third-party Solr client libraries 


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