On 2/5/2018 12:29 PM, mmb1234 wrote:
> Maybe this is the issue: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/issues/2169

Could be.  That was one of the Jetty issues I found, and the one that
said 9.4 doesn't have the problem.  Your Solr version would be using
Jetty 9.3, not 9.2.

> The custom client code is:

I don't know a lot about all the code you shared.  But this caught my eye:

>             idleConnectionFuture = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
>                 cmAsync.closeExpiredConnections();
>                 cmAsync.closeIdleConnections(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
>             }, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

You're really going to close connections that have been idle for only
one second?  A lot of Solr requests are going to need more than one
second to complete.  As I said in the earlier message, I very much
recommend a socket/idle timeout of at least one minute.  Make it 30
seconds if one minute seems too long.

> Also /solr/admin/cores takes a very long time to respond (QTime = 300secs+). 
> So curl with a timeout also causes an additional CLOSE_WAIT (as expected)
> curl -m 5 'http://<solrhost>:<port>/solr/admin/cores'

It literally takes five minutes for /solr/admin/cores to respond on your
server? That means something is REALLY REALLY wrong.  When I hit it on
one of my servers, which has a few dozen cores, the QTime is 39
milliseconds, and I see the response in the browser very quickly.

> Note there are 100's of solr cores on each solr jvm but only few needed to
> be open at any given time in each solr jvm to avoid heap memory bloat.
> solr.xml has this setting therefore because we're not running solr cloud.
>   <int name="transientCacheSize">${transientCacheSize:30}</int>

Loading and unloading large cores on a frequent basis is going to make
operations pretty slow.  If your index data is too large to have loaded
all at once, perhaps you need more memory or more servers.

> Also <updateLog> was removed from solrconfig.xml because we saw 1000's of
> threads BLOCKED on VersionBucket even with.
>       <int
> name="numVersionBuckets">${solr.ulog.numVersionBuckets:655360}</int>
> The side effect is lots of merges [ we'll tackle that when solr stops
> die-ing :-) ]

The presence, absence, or configuration of Solr's transaction log is not
going to affect segment merging in any way.  Segment merging is a
function of Lucene, not Solr, and Lucene has absolutely no knowledge of
Solr features like the transaction log.  I would strongly recommend that
you do NOT disable the transaction log.  Doing so might speed things up
a very small amount, but that speedup is NOT a good tradeoff,
considering that you'd be more likely to lose data in the event of a
serious problem.

Lots of segment merges is a result of doing a lot of indexing.


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