On 2/27/2018 12:59 AM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
Regarding the core.properties, understand from the Solr guide that we need
to define the "config" properties first. However, my core.properties will
only be created when I create the collection from the command

The core.properties does not exists, and if I try to create one manually,
Solr will not read it, and it will still try to look for solrconfig.xml.

What should be the right way to create the core.properties?

If you're running SolrCloud, you'll very likely have to allow it to create all the cores in the collection, then go back and modify the core.properties files that get created, and reload the collection once they're all changed.  If this actually works, keep in mind that the renamed config file is going to be loaded from zookeeper, right where solrconfig.xml would normally exist.

Specifying options remotely in core.properties can only be done with the CoreAdmin API, but this is not used when in Cloud mode. The Collections API actually *does* use the CoreAdmin API behind the scenes, but because its usage in SolrCloud is very much an expert-level task, you shouldn't use it directly.

The big question I have:  Why would you want to cause yourself difficulty by doing this?


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