Thanks! That provides me with some more insight, I altered the search query
to "dieren zaak" to see how queries consisting of more than 1 word are
I see that words are tokenized into groups of 3, I think because of my
NGramFilterFactory with minGramSize of 3.

<lst name="debug">
        <str name="rawquerystring">
        (title_search_global:(dieren zaak) OR description_search_global:(dieren
        <str name="querystring">
        (title_search_global:(dieren zaak) OR description_search_global:(dieren
        <str name="parsedquery">
        (+(((title_search_global:die title_search_global:ier
title_search_global:ere title_search_global:ren title_search_global:dier
title_search_global:iere title_search_global:eren title_search_global:diere
title_search_global:ieren title_search_global:dieren)
(title_search_global:zaa title_search_global:aak title_search_global:zaak))
(((description_search_global:dier description_search_global:diere
        <str name="parsedquery_toString">
        +(((title_search_global:die title_search_global:ier 
title_search_global:ren title_search_global:dier title_search_global:iere
title_search_global:eren title_search_global:diere title_search_global:ieren
title_search_global:dieren) (title_search_global:zaa title_search_global:aak
title_search_global:zaak)) ((description_search_global:dier
description_search_global:diere description_search_global:dieren)
        <str name="QParser">ExtendedDismaxQParser</str>
        <null name="altquerystring"/>
        <null name="boost_queries"/>
        <arr name="parsed_boost_queries"/>
        <null name="boostfuncs"/>
        <arr name="filter_queries">
                <str>(lang:"nl" OR lang:"all")</str>
        <arr name="parsed_filter_queries">
                <str>lang:nl lang:all</str>

I tried the query with and without the &defType=edismax parameter but I'm
getting the EXACT same results. Does that mean some configuration error?

I'm not sure how to progress from here. Can you see if your presumption that
I'm mixing two different parsers is correct? My schema.xml is here:

Related: do you know of the existence of any sample schema.xml config that
would be usable for a search engine? Seems like something so obvious to
float around out there. I feel that would go a long way.

Not sure if it matters but my requirements are:

Exact match "dieren zaak" boost result with 1000 
Exact match "dierenzaak" boost result with 900 
Exact match "dieren" or "zaak" boost result with 600 

Partial match "huisdierenzaak" or "huisdieren zaak" boost result with 500 
Stem match "dier" boost result with 100 
Stem partial match "huisdier" boost result with 70 
Other partial matches "die" boost result with 10 

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