> On Mar 16, 2018, at 3:26 PM, Deepak Goel <deic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you please post results of your test?
> Please tell us the tps at 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% of your CPU resource

I could, but it probably would not be useful for your documents or your queries.

We have 22 million homework problems. Our queries are often hundreds of words 
because students copy and paste entire problems. After pre-processing, the 
average query
is still 25 words.

For load benchmarking, I use access logs from production. I typically gather 
over a half-million
lines of log. Using production logs means that queries have the same 
statistical distribution
as prod, so the cache hit rates are reasonable.

Before each benchmark, I restart all the Solr instances to clear the caches. 
Then the first part
of the query log is used to warm the caches, typically about 4000 queries.

After that, the measured benchmark run starts. This uses JMeter with 100-500 
threads. Each
thread is configured with a constant throughput timer so a constant load is 
offered. Test run
one or two hours. Recently, I ran a test with a rate of 1000 requests/minute 
for one hour.

During the benchmark, I monitor the CPU usage. Our systems are configured with 
enough RAM
so that disk is not accessed for search indexes. If the CPU goes over 75-80%, 
there is congestion
and queries will slow down. Also, if the run queue (load average) increases 
over the number of
CPUs, there will be congestion.

After the benchmark run, the JMeter log is analyzed to report response time 
percentiles for
each Solr request handler.

Walter Underwood
http://observer.wunderwood.org/  (my blog)

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