Shawn, that's the ticket... I see where I screwed up now.

My upconfig was also trying to upload the data dir (I had used this as a
solr home in a standalone non cloud Solr), I'm missing *conf* here

-confdir solr_home/foo/

Changing to:

-confdir solr_home/foo/conf


I wonder too if there's anything that can be changed in zkcli to see if the
confdir is a reasonable configuration directory?


On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 3:51 PM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 4/4/2018 12:13 PM, Doug Turnbull wrote:
> > Thanks for the responses. Yeah I thought they were weird errors too... :)
> >
> > Below are the logs from zookeeper running in foreground after a
> connection
> > attempt. But this Exception looks suspicous to me:
> >
> > [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] -
> Exception
> > causing close of session 0x10024db7e280006: *Len error 5327937*
> With that information, I think I can tell you what went wrong.
> It looks like one of the files you're trying to upload is 5 megabytes in
> size.  ZooKeeper doesn't allow anything bigger than about 1 megabyte by
> default, because is not designed for handling large amounts of data.
> I think that the ZK uploading functionality probably needs to check the
> size of what it is uploading against the max buffer setting and log a
> useful error message.
> You can get this to work, but to do so will require setting a system
> property on *all* ZK clients and servers.  The clients will include Solr
> itself and the zkcli script.  The system property to set is
> "jute.maxbuffer".  Info can be found in ZK documentation.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
> --
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