Well, if we are talking about the latest minimal configuration that
still works and allows basic search:

Also, anything under examples can be removed, as well as dist/test-framework.


On 20 September 2018 at 04:32, Charlie Hull <char...@flax.co.uk> wrote:
> An interesting problem, perhaps we'll look at this at one of the Hackdays
> we're running soon! Previously we managed to cut down the Solr config files
> to fewer lines than the Apache license statement.
> Charlie
> On 19/09/2018 21:25, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> On 9/19/2018 1:48 PM, oddtyme wrote:
>>> I am helping implement solr for a "downloadable library" of sorts. The
>>> objective is that communities without internet access will be able to
>>> access
>>> a library's worth of information on a small, portable device. As such, I
>>> am
>>> working within strict space constraints. What are some non-essential
>>> components of solr that can be cut to conserve space for more
>>> information?
>> For basic functionality, the entire contrib directory could probably be
>> removed.  That's more than half of the download right there.
>> Some of the jars in solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib can likely be removed.
>> Chances are that you won't need the jars starting with "hadoop" - those are
>> for HDFS support.  That's another 11 MB.  If you don't need either HDFS or
>> SolrCloud, you can remove the zookeeper jar, and I think you can also remove
>> the curator jars.  If you're not accessing Solr with a JDBC driver, you
>> won't need the calcite jars. If you're not dealing with oriental characters
>> (and sometimes even if you ARE), you can probably do without
>> lucene-analyzers-kuromoji.
>> With careful code analysis, you can probably find other jars that aren't
>> needed, but there's not a huge amount of space saving to be gained with most
>> of the others.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn
> --
> Charlie Hull
> Flax - Open Source Enterprise Search
> tel/fax: +44 (0)8700 118334
> mobile:  +44 (0)7767 825828
> web: www.flax.co.uk

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