This is one of the reasons we should pursue a plugin-bundle based distribution. 
i.e. one main
tarball and multiple smaller plugins, see SOLR-10665 
This effort has a working POC, but it is too big for me to finalise alone, and 
I don't have a sponsor either.

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS -

> 19. sep. 2018 kl. 22:25 skrev Shawn Heisey <>:
> On 9/19/2018 1:48 PM, oddtyme wrote:
>> I am helping implement solr for a "downloadable library" of sorts. The
>> objective is that communities without internet access will be able to access
>> a library's worth of information on a small, portable device. As such, I am
>> working within strict space constraints. What are some non-essential
>> components of solr that can be cut to conserve space for more information?
> For basic functionality, the entire contrib directory could probably be 
> removed.  That's more than half of the download right there.
> Some of the jars in solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib can likely be removed.  
> Chances are that you won't need the jars starting with "hadoop" - those are 
> for HDFS support.  That's another 11 MB.  If you don't need either HDFS or 
> SolrCloud, you can remove the zookeeper jar, and I think you can also remove 
> the curator jars.  If you're not accessing Solr with a JDBC driver, you won't 
> need the calcite jars.    If you're not dealing with oriental characters (and 
> sometimes even if you ARE), you can probably do without 
> lucene-analyzers-kuromoji.
> With careful code analysis, you can probably find other jars that aren't 
> needed, but there's not a huge amount of space saving to be gained with most 
> of the others.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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