On 13/11/2018 22:34, Shawn Heisey wrote:
If it's important for you to have the data separated from the program, setting the solr home is in my opinion the right way to go.  This separation is achieved by the service installer script that Solr includes, which runs on most operating systems other than Windows.  A service installer for Windows is something that's been on my mind to try and pursue, but there's never enough time.

The standard (but not only) way to install Solr as a Windows service is using NSSM and there are multiple guides available online. One *could* take these and write a detailed addendum to the Solr Ref Guide "Taking Solr to Production" page but it might be hard to cover the various ways to do this (batch files, Powershell scripts, runnable installers, Win32 vs Win64) and produce a definitive best practice guide.

However, perhaps a short paragraph suggesting where else to look might be useful.




Charlie Hull
Flax - Open Source Enterprise Search

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