
We've a cluster consisting in 7 to 10 NRT nodes serving data to a webpage
(products, categories,...), but every time a leader node fails importing
data (connection lost, broken pipe...), the entire cluster goes to
recovering mode and then is not working for about 15-30 minutes. That's a
lot for the webpage so we're trying to reduce that problem to minimal and
we're thinking about new PULL nodes.

We've for now Solr 7.2.1, but we're planning to migrate to Solr 7.5, and
I've read on Solr guide that recommended setups are:

   - All NRT
   - All TLOG
   - Some TLOG with PULL replicas

We're not fully convinced about TLOG replicas because we've read something
about index problems if a node goes down suddenly, or using kill -9 (just
what the init.d script does if takes long to stop/restart), and is the
leader, or about the increase in recovering times respecting to NRT, so
we're thinking about to keep some NRT instead TLOG.

To have two NRT nodes and the rest TLOG is a good setup, or better to think
in TOG nodes?



      Daniel Carrasco Marín
      Ingeniería para la Innovación i2TIC, S.L.
      Tlf:  +34 911 12 32 84 Ext: 223

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