This does indeed reduce the time. but doesn't quite do what I wanted. This
approach penalizes the docs based on "coord" factor. In other words, for a
doc with scores=5 on just one query (and nothing on others), the resulting
score would now be 5/3 since only one clause matches.

1. I wonder why does the above query work at all? I can't find the above
query syntax anywhere in any docs or books on Solr, can you point me to
your source for this syntax?

2. Which parser is used to parse the larger query? No info about the parser
used for the larger query is given from parsedQuery field. (using

3. What if I did not want to sum (the scores of q1, q2, q3) but rather
wanted to use their values in some other way (eg. sqrt(q1) + sqrt(q2) +
0.6*q3). Is there no way of cleanly implementing a flow of computations to
be done on sub-query scores?

On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 7:40 PM Erik Hatcher <> wrote:

> maybe something like q=
>     ({!edismax .... v=$q1} OR {!edismax .... v=$q2} OR {!edismax ...
> v=$q3})
>  and setting q1, q2, q3 as needed (or all to the same maybe with different
> qf’s and such)
>       Erik
> > On Apr 9, 2019, at 09:12, sidharth228 <> wrote:
> >
> > I did infact use "bf" parameter for individual edismax queries.
> >
> > However, the reason I can't condense these edismax queries into a single
> > edismax query is because each of them uses different fields in "qf".
> >
> > Basically what I'm trying to do is this: each of these edismax queries
> (q1,
> > q2, q3) has a logic, and scores docs using it. I am then trying to
> combine
> > the scores (to get an overall score) from these scores later by summing
> > them.
> >
> > What options do I have of implementing this?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sent from:

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