Hello, Shawn, Toke Eskildsen and Solr Community:

> Since version 7.5, optimize with TieredMergePolicy (the default policy)
> respects the maximum segment size, which defaults to 5GB.
Thank you for your reply.
Indeed,  there was approximately a total of 9GB index size.
So, as you tell me, TieredMergePolicy respected to the maximum size.

> Your PDF attachment did not make it to the list.  We cannot see it.  The
> mailing list rarely lets attachments through.
Thank you for your response.
I am sorry for sending an attachment, which mailing list does not send to.
I did not know about that.
For the next opportunity to share table-formatted data, what is the best
way to share data with all of you?
Should I share a Google spreadsheet URL?  How people usually do?

> The one place where there is a real difference is with String faceting
> as >= 2 segments means that String ordinals must be coordinated between
> segments

Let me confirm what you say (since I am not a native speaker of English and
I am new to Solr)
When we request a facet query (like below) to 2 Solrs: one with multiple
segments and the other is only one segment,
we will have different performance result?


Can we configure up-front faceting or one-the-fly facet method?
I would like to see the difference to understand Solr's behavior if it is

Kaya Ota

2019年5月20日(月) 18:38 Toke Eskildsen <t...@kb.dk>:

> On Sun, 2019-05-19 at 13:36 -0600, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> > I would not expect to see a really noticeable performance increase
> > by going from two segments to one.
> The one place where there is a real difference is with String faceting
> as >= 2 segments means that String ordinals must be coordinated between
> segments. Depending on faceting method this is done up-front (with an
> obvious fist-call time penalty, some memory overhead to hold the
> mapping and a slight running overhead for consulting the map) or on-
> the-fly (with non-surprising running overhead).
> It becomes relevant with large indexes and/or setups where performance
> is very important.
> - Toke Eskildsen, Royal Danish library

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