I'm using solr-8.3.1 on a solrcloud set up with 2 solr nodes and 2 ZK nodes.
I was experiencing very slow search-with-highlighting on a index that had
'omitNorms="true"' on all fields.
At the suggestion of a stackoverflow post, I changed all fields to be
'omitNorms="false"' and the search-with-highlight time came down to about
1/10th of what it was!!!

This was a relatively small index and I had no issues with memory increase.
Now my question is whether I should expect the same speed up on regular
search calls, or search with only filters (no query)?
This would be on a different, much larger index - and I do want to incur
the memory increase unless the search is significantly faster.
Does anyone have any experience in comparing search speed using "omitNorms"
true or false in regular search (non-highlight)?


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