On 6/10/2020 12:13 PM, Ryan W wrote:
People keep suggesting I check the logs for errors.  What do those errors
look like?  Does anyone have examples of the text of a Solr oom error?  Or
the text of any other errors I should be looking for the next time solr
fails?  Are there phrases I should grep for in the logs?  Should I be
looking in the Solr logs for an OOM error, or in the Apache logs?

Are you running Solr on Windows? If you are, then a Jave OOME will NOT cause Solr to stop. On pretty much any other operating system, Solr will terminate when OOME occurs. This termination will create a separate logfile, one that contains very little actual information, really the only thing it says is that the oom killer script was executed. That logfile will have a filename like the following:


If OOME is the reason Solr stops running, then the only place that exception will be logged is solr.log as far as I know ... but there exists a very real possibility that it won't actually be logged. It could occur at a place in the code that does not have any logging.

At the URL below is an example of a logged OOME on a Solr server. In this case, it wasn't memory that was exhausted, the error was logging an inability to start a new thread:



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