
Ok, yeah, apologies, my semantics were wrong.

I was thinking that a TLog replica is a follower role only and becomes an
NRT replica if it gets elected leader. From a pure semantics standpoint,
though, I guess technically the TLog replica doesn't "become" an NRT
replica, but just "acts the same" as if it was an NRT replica when it gets
elected as leader. From the docs regarding TLog replicas: "This type of
replica maintains a transaction log but does not index document changes
locally... When this type of replica needs to update its index, it does so
by replicating the index from the leader... If it does become a leader, it
will behave the same as if it was a NRT type of replica."

The Tlog replicas are a bit of a red herring to the point I was making,
though, which is that Pull Replicas in SolrCloud mode and Slaves in
non-SolrCloud mode both just pull the index from the leader/master and as
opposed to updates being pushed the other way. As such, I don't see a
meaningful distinction between master/slave and leader/follower behavior in
non-SolrCloud mode vs. SolrCloud mode for the specific functionality we're
talking about renaming (Solr cores that pull indices from other Solr cores).

At any rate, this is not a hill I care to die on. My belief is that it's
better to have consistent terminology for what I see as essentially the
same functionality. I respect that others disagree and would rather
introduce new terminology to clearly distinguish between modes. Regardless
of the naming decided on, I'm in support of removing the master/slave

Trey Grainger
Founder, Searchkernel

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 6/17/2020 2:36 PM, Trey Grainger wrote:
> > 2) TLOG - which can only serve in the role of follower
> This is inaccurate.  TLOG can become leader.  If that happens, then it
> functions exactly like an NRT leader.
> I'm aware that saying the following is bikeshedding ... but I do think
> it would be as mistake to use any existing SolrCloud terminology for
> non-cloud deployments, including the word "replica".  The top contenders
> I have seen to replace master/slave in Solr are primary/secondary and
> publisher/subscriber.
> It has been interesting watching this discussion play out on multiple
> open source mailing lists.  On other projects, I have seen a VERY high
> level of resistance to these changes, which I find disturbing and
> surprising.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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