Did you put your auxiliary files in the 
confFiles tag? E.g. from the page you referenced:

<str name="confFiles">schema.xml,stopwords.txt,elevate.xml</str>


> On Jun 30, 2020, at 5:38 AM, Atita Arora <atitaar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using Solr 6.6.2 in the Master-Slave mode ( hot star of the
> discussion thread these days !!) and lately, I got into this weird issue
> that at each replication trigger my index gets correctly replicated but my
> config changes are not replicated to my slaves.
> We are using referential properties i.e. my solrconfig.xml imports the
> different configs like requesthandler_config.xml,
> replication_handler_config.xml, etc  which essentially means if going by
> solr doc (https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/index-replication.html) :
> Unlike the index files, where the timestamp is good enough to figure out if
> they are identical, configuration files are compared against their
> checksum. The schema.xml files (on master and slave) are judged to be
> identical if their checksums are identical.
> The checksum of my solrconfig.xml would not vary, is it why my files won't
> replicate?
> I already have another Master-Slave in a different environment working with
> the same config version, so I don't smell any issue with the replication
> configuration.
> I have tried manual replication too but the files would not change.
> Maybe it is something weirdly trivial or stupid that I seem to be missing
> here, any pointers or ideas what else can I check?
> Thank you,
> Atita

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