: *<fieldType name="ext_file_field" keyField="id" defVal="0.0"
: class="solr.ExternalFileField" valType="float"/>*
: *<field name="fieldA" type="ext_file_field" />*
: I was expecting that for field "fieldA" indexed will be marked as false and
: it will not be part of the index. But Solr admin "SCHEMA page" (we get this
: option after selecting collection name in the drop-down menu)  is showing
: it as an indexed field (green tick mark under Indexed flag).

Because, per the docs, the IndexSchema uses a default assumption of "true" 
for the "indexed" property (if not specified at a field/fieldtype level) 


Property: indexed
Descrption: If true, the value of the field can be used in queries to retrieve 
matching documents.
Values: true or false   
Implicit Default: true

...ExternalFileField is "special" and as noted in it's docs it is not 
searchable -- it doesn't actaully care what the indexed (or "stored") 
properties are ... but the default values of those properties as assigend 
by the schema defaults are still there in the metadata of the field -- 
which is what the schema API/browser are showing you.

Imagine you had a a <field/> that was a TextField -- implicitly 
indexed="true" -- but it was impossible for you to ever put any values 
in that field (say for hte sake of argument you used an analyzier that 
threw away all terms).  The schema browser would say: "It's (implicitly) 
marked indexed=true, therefore it's searchable" even though searching on that 
field would never return anything ... equivilent situation with 

(ExternalFileField could be modified to override the implicit default for 
these properties, but that's not something anyone has ever really worried 
about because it wouldn't functionally change any of it's behavior)


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