Solr starts running in the port 8983,
i created in the project folder, where the build.xml is.
And in that empty file,
i added,
And in Netbeans, Debug -> Attach Debugger,
- Debugger is JavaDebugger(JPDA);
- Connector is SocketAttach(Attaches by socket to other VMs)
- HOST is localhost;
- Port as 5005;
and Timeout is empty.

During solr running, i set this, but in the output screen shows "Connection is refused."

Is my changes are correct ??? or i need to change anything else...

thanks and regards,

Mark Miller wrote:
noor wrote:
hi, i am new to apache solr.
i got the solr source code, and i created my own (custom) classes.
Also, i make the request reference to that newly created classes in solr-config.xml.

now i need to debug my code, when the solr search calls my class..
So, for this, i dont know how to debug my code....?

Please anybody help me to achieve this.

thanks and regards,

Make a file next to build.xml called

Add to the empty file: example.debug=true

Run the ant target 'run-example' in build.xml.

Solr will run with the ability to connect with a remote debugger on port 5005.

In Netbeans, from the main menu, select Debug > Attach Debugger... (In NetBeans 6.1 and older select Run > Attach Debugger...).

Follow the dialogue box prompts to connect to the running Solr example.

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